Why Tru Bloom? - ST. TROPICA
ST. TROPICA Hair Growth Vitamins ST. TROPICA Hair Growth Vitamins

  Why Tru Bloom?

Tru Bloom

Spanning from rural ancient India, to the depths of the Brazilian rainforest, to the lush tropical Hawaiian Islands… we’ve scoured the Earth in our quest to source the best of the best, high performance, plant and fruit-based ingredients for our Hair Growth Vitamins.

We had one goal in mind … Maximum Hair Growth. Think of this formula as our ultimate ingredient wish list, realized! Each ingredient in our exclusive design has been hand-selected regardless of cost to create the World’s Best Hair Vitamin, rigorously researched and evaluated for efficacy and safety, measured against the Skin Deep database, and cross-checked against WebMD for side effects.

  Why Tru Bloom?
